Greatest Day of My Life

14 Apr

I am so sorry that once again, I have fallen off the face of the Earth.

My new job in Cali is going exceptionally well, which is a good and bad thing.



Well, I mean, planning events IS how I make my money to ya know… survive. And let’s face it, I don’t have the attention span to probably ever write a book so I should stick to my event planning ways since I can actually profit from it.

(Not that I don’t  like #AHDORE you guys. But ya’ll aren’t paying my grocery bill.)



Um. I feel like I NEVER read. And no reading means no reviews and no reviews means no blog posts. So in this circle of work, I never get to interact with my favorite people. YOU!


On the up side, I did get to nerd out and go to the Los Angeles Times Book Festival yesterday and MEET SARAH J MAAS!  She did an awesome panel with Melissa Meyer and Leigh Bardugo (and some other sci-fi lady no one really knew about) and was bomb. She’s even cooler in person than I thought she would be. Very humble with a dry, self-depreciating humor (much like Jennifer Lawrence) and totally made me want to hang out and drink with her.

NOT TO FREAKING MENTION that when I went and had her sign my book and told her I named my blog after one of her quotes, SHE FREAKING RECOGNIZED ME.

In which I promptly fan-girled the f*ck out.

Me =

best day

But I tried to stay cool

I love you


And Leigh Bardugo was pretty legit too. Those two cracked me up like no other. It’s really awesome to see authors appreciate their fans. Loves you two soo much.



Tell me what you think!