Tag Archives: Robin Hood

Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen

28 Nov

Rating: Three out of Five Stars

This was a very interesting book for me. I am usually a trilogy and series reader because I feel like a complete story can’t be told in 300 pages (unless I am in the mood for a fluff book). This book proved that while it CAN be done to a certain extent, the story is just not as engaging as it could be.

Scarlet is a wonderful retelling of Robin Hood. You can still see the “historical” storyline but it gives a dynamic perspective of the story from another person. Well imagined, my friend! The only thing that strikes me as overpowering was the foreshadowing. To write a good story of course foreshadowing is needed, but there is a time and place and a LIMIT. I enjoy quiet hints and and slight teasing of things to come. But these clues were blaring neon signs in a bar. In a way, it made the story seem naive, the finesse was missing.

Regardless of the writing flaws, the plot was fun. It was fast paced and dramatic, even if it stretched reality a bit. I did enjoy Scarlet. She’s a spunky fierce heroine with pink power ranger skills. It was exciting to read her and get to know her a little. Her emotions are a bit skewed and rollercoastered a lot but the action in the book made up for the slower parts. I wish that we could have seen a little more of the relationships between the boys and Scar, but with a one book story, it’s difficult to create more than one fully developed character.

The ending did leave a door open for a sequel, which I would jump on the chance to read. They already have romance, action, a villain, a love triangle… the bones of a great series is there and I hope that Gaughen writes another!