Tag Archives: fluff books

Favorite Books of 2013 – Mid Year Edition

16 Jul

Well, my blogging friends, we are halfway through 2013 and I’ve gotten through almost 55 books. (wootie woot woot!) With me being a wee bit over 50% of my goal of 100 book-a-roos in 2013, I think I shall have a fav books mid-year edition. Mainly because I’ve read some awesome books and haven’t been able to write reviews yet. Not sure if because I am lazy or busy with work… hmmm…

Regardless, below are my favorite Thus-Far read books that were published in 2013. This is also me book pimping these onto to you lovely readers because they are crazy good.

Favorite Book Thus Far of 2013

Dark Triumph by R.L. LaFevers – this is gorgeous and rich. I love LaFever’s writing and her characters in the entire His Fair Assassin’s series are breathtaking. From shy and sweet to spicy and fierce these female pro-tags became my bffl faces while I was reading.

Favorite High Fantasy Book Thus Far of 2013

The Cadet of Tildor by Alex Lidell – This was a fun book and surprised me. For having a badass female pro-tag, she’s very feminine at the same time and relatable. I feel like usually you don’t have that balance and it was nice to see. The switching narrators also allowed me to stay more engaged with the story and the fact that the romance is subtle, second to the main story, is refreshing.

Favorite Dystopian Book Thus Far of 2013

Reboot by Amy Tintera – this one is hard for me because I actually rated Prodigy by Marie Lu higher. But I think when it comes down to which book is actually better all around, Reboot wins. It’s definitely a more mature book, with more engaging characters and more thought provoking themes. Buuuut, Marie Lu’s writing, while def geared towards a younger age range, engulfs you and tears you through a fast paced storyline that has you reading it in 12 hours (guilty!). So just… read both, yeah?

Favorite Fluff Book Thus Far of 2013

The Elite by Kiera Kass – we all know this is a no-brianer and that I have a slight sickeningly obsession with The Selection series. It’s just… just… so fatabolous. I fangirl all over these books.

Amy Vitale_2013-06-20_13-16-18

Poison by Bridget Zinn

24 Jun


No series

Rating: Two out of Five Stars

This book reminds me a lot of Scarlet by A.C Gaughen. It’s a little slip of a story with a lot of fluff and not a lot of meat. Although I will admit that I had QUITE the shock when we find out who Kyra’s mom is. GASP! I was totally taken by surprise.  So well done, Zinn.

I am always hesitant to read stand alone books because there just is not enough time to really get into the story. The characters, the world, the premise tend to be a bit superficial. ESPECIALLY when it’s a fantasy book. To develop a world in 300 pages that’s believable, a plot that viable, and a character that’s relatable is pretty much impossible. Hence my beef with stand alone fantasy books and this book in particular. The pro-tag was meh, the storyline was alright and I couldn’t even begin to explain the world because it wasn’t explained at all in the book.

If I was to describe this book, I would stick with words like “cute” and “quaint”. It’s a little young, maybe more geared to late middle-grade, than YA readers. I mean come on, she has a baby pig as a pet guide dog. And there’s no real tension or anything truly gripping but it’s an easy read. So, if you are looking for a true fluff book, something you don’t really have to pay attention to, go for it. But if you are looking for something with true substance, look elsewhere my friends.


What I mean when I say “Fluff Book”

28 Dec


I am a variety reader. I have my favorite genres, of course, but I pride myself in not sticking to only one “type” of book. I try to love all books equally.

One of my favorite kinds of books are what I call “Fluff Books”. I’ve mentioned them a few times in passing in some of my previous posts but an explanation will clear all doubt as to what I mean.

The easiest way for me to fully describe what a fluff book is, is to give some examples and then find the common trends between them. Analyzing is always my favorite!

Top Three Favorite Fluff Books of 2012




The Selection, The Luxe Series and Entwined are lovely sweet treats, dark chocolate mouthfuls filled with rich rosey love, glorious estrogen boosting stories filled with amazing dresses, handsome men, and lovable heroines. These are the books we adore on a purely feminine level. Our romance loving subconscious’s  ache for these beauts. Flowery, gorgeously written plots and 100% hands-off for men.

These fluff books are Jane Austen‘s descendants of Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility. They have enticing and adoring love interests like Mr. Darcy, feisty females like Elizabeth Bennett, and harrowing plights of Dashwood induced love follies. They also have Austen’s underlying themes of women’s morality, the injustices of societal norms, and they highlight the breathtaking ability of the “weaker” sex to adapt and overcome.

Looking at what I’ve just written and comparing the books I consider fluff, these are the basics of fluff books:

  1. Female Protag
  2. Swoon worthy love interest
  3. Epic romance
  4. A villain trying to corrupt our heroine
  5. Underlying ethical or moral questions
  6. A happy ending

The happy ending though, does not, and I repeat DOES NOT, always end up with ooey gooey love-shall-overcome BS. Some of the best fluff books end with the female lead giving a dainty middle finger wave and riding off into the sunset by herself (those are my favorite).

So there you have it my friends. Questions, concerns, comments? Send any awesome fluff my way. I can always go for some romance 😉

“Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten” – G.K. Chesterton