Tag Archives: Prodigy

Favorite Books of 2013 – Mid Year Edition

16 Jul

Well, my blogging friends, we are halfway through 2013 and I’ve gotten through almost 55 books. (wootie woot woot!) With me being a wee bit over 50% of my goal of 100 book-a-roos in 2013, I think I shall have a fav books mid-year edition. Mainly because I’ve read some awesome books and haven’t been able to write reviews yet. Not sure if because I am lazy or busy with work… hmmm…

Regardless, below are my favorite Thus-Far read books that were published in 2013. This is also me book pimping these onto to you lovely readers because they are crazy good.

Favorite Book Thus Far of 2013

Dark Triumph by R.L. LaFevers – this is gorgeous and rich. I love LaFever’s writing and her characters in the entire His Fair Assassin’s series are breathtaking. From shy and sweet to spicy and fierce these female pro-tags became my bffl faces while I was reading.

Favorite High Fantasy Book Thus Far of 2013

The Cadet of Tildor by Alex Lidell – This was a fun book and surprised me. For having a badass female pro-tag, she’s very feminine at the same time and relatable. I feel like usually you don’t have that balance and it was nice to see. The switching narrators also allowed me to stay more engaged with the story and the fact that the romance is subtle, second to the main story, is refreshing.

Favorite Dystopian Book Thus Far of 2013

Reboot by Amy Tintera – this one is hard for me because I actually rated Prodigy by Marie Lu higher. But I think when it comes down to which book is actually better all around, Reboot wins. It’s definitely a more mature book, with more engaging characters and more thought provoking themes. Buuuut, Marie Lu’s writing, while def geared towards a younger age range, engulfs you and tears you through a fast paced storyline that has you reading it in 12 hours (guilty!). So just… read both, yeah?

Favorite Fluff Book Thus Far of 2013

The Elite by Kiera Kass – we all know this is a no-brianer and that I have a slight sickeningly obsession with The Selection series. It’s just… just… so fatabolous. I fangirl all over these books.

Amy Vitale_2013-06-20_13-16-18

New Book Alert – The Young Elites by Marie Lu

25 Jun

As per Goodreads:

The new series, set in what Putnam described as a “Renaissance-like world,” is called The Young Elites. It follows three rival societies with supernatural powers battling for supremacy.

And a girl transforms from an unwanted daughter into a fearsome leader, igniting panic and sparking war between seven nations.

The first book in the series is set for fall 2014.


My Reaction:



This book does sound a lot like Legend…



And the fact that it will be coming out in 2014 just makes my life.

Mark it as a To-Read here.


Prodigy by Marie Lu

1 Mar


Book Two in the Legend Series

Rating: Five out of Five Stars

Oh my lovely little Legend sequel… Marie Lu I just want to give you a big hug! After I punch you for that ending. -_- Not happy about that.

But I will forgive you for breaking my heart because this series completes me. I pre-ordered this book the moment I could on Amazon and I woke up early on the release date so I could read before I went to work. I must tell you, when I opened my iPad and Prodigy was sitting there waiting to be downloaded I swear I could hear the heavens singing to me.

*Halleluiah angels sign on hiiiiIIIIiiiiigh*     

EEEEeeeee trying to tamper down my fangirling so I can write a somewhat coherent review.

Obviously, I loved this book. Legend was one of my favorite books in 2012 and I was sooo excited for the sequel (I had like 3 countdown clocks going.) Day and June are a wonderful mesh of powerful, independent and fierce characters. While they have a lot of similarities in the basic construction and characterization, I feel Lu made them much more separate in Prodigy then she did in Legend, she focused on giving them each their own voice. We are able to get a sense of their differences and their unique backgrounds this time around. It was great to see that Lu didn’t skimp on continuing to develop the two pro-tags in Prodigy because that seems to happen a lot in sequels of dystopias. Authors can get so caught up on world-building and the looming catastrophe that they forget that our peeps need to grow still in the second and third books. So yay for you, Lu!

And just like in Legend, the action and tempo of the story is perfect. Lu has a fantastic balance of inner dialogue, character interaction and fast fight scenes that creates a perfectly leveled plot. While Day bugged the crap out of me for bits during this book, overall I still love these two. June is most perfect badass heroine ever. She’s such a strong female lead and her emotions always match what I would expect from someone like her. ❤ ❤ ❤

SO yes, it’s wonderful. You all should read it. Hello, good bye. The End.

Oh and that bathroom scene…. dayyyuuuuum. I think the movie rating of this book just went up to PG-13 😉

To Read Tuesday – up and coming reads!

4 Dec

I want to give a huge thank you to everyone out there who read my first two chapters last week. I received some GREAT feedback and look forward to going back and editing a few things. I was super nervous about going “public” with it but I couldn’t ask for better readers than you guys or more support! Keep emailing me at smcampbell07@hotmail.com!

Ok on to the real post!

As I assume you’ve realized by now, I am a geek. There is a glaring neon arrow that points to me and says “BOOK NERD”. I spend more money on books than I do on clothes and booze, and as a 23 year old I feel that is quite the accomplishment! I am so into all things books I actually have a list of book releases pinned onto my calendar at work. 12

Overkill? HECK NO! I am a proud book nerd and I wear my geekdom like it’s a badge on honor. My work bestie and book soul mate Amy gave me the suggestion to write a once a week blog about those book that are coming out soon that I am super duper stoked for!

Thus, To-Read Tuesdays have commenced! Chea!


Prodigy by Marie Lu

Series: Legend Book Two

Previous Rating: Legend (book one in the series) 5 out of 5 stars.

Release Date: January 29, 2013

Why I am Excited: I adored Legend. It was a fast paced and thrilling book. I connected with both characters and enjoyed reading the story through both of their preservatives. Lu got dinged on having her characters be to similar by reviewers but I praise her for it. While no, there is not as much diversity between narrations, it did give the readers a better sense of how different life is in this world based on birthrights. The world was created thoroughly and because we experienced two different view points with June and Day, we really got a chance to see and know the dystopian society. Legend left on such a twist in the plot I have been aching for almost a year to read this book.

What I Hope To See: *CONTAINS SPOILERS* If you haven’t read book one, LOOK AWAY! Now that both June and Day are fully developed as characters, I hope Lu starts to create obvious separation between them. June = female Day =male.  You can still have a strong heroine without making her all pigtails and prom dresses! With that being said, I hope June doesn’t become TOO much a girly lovesick teenager. She can have emotions, but they need to rule her the same way they ruled her in Legend. I hope that now that they have busted out of the Republic, they don’t automatically get pampered and pushed into a leadership role with the Patriots purely because they have insider information. Yes, they are both insanely badass, but I would like to see some kind of development where they have to prove themselves worthy to lead type of a thing.

My Predictions: it’s been almost a year since I have read Legend but based purely on what the summary says about book two, here are my thoughts:

  1. June and Day’s relationship: I think it’s going to be one of those awkward relationships where neither one of them fully trust the other and they don’t know exactly how to interact with each other. Issues? Complication? Oh yes please.
  2. June is going to have a thing for the new Elector. If memory serves, June met him in Book One and he wasn’t half bad. I think this will cause a lot of friction between June and Day.
  3. Someone needs to die. Either Day’s brother or someone else important to the main characters but someone needs to die in order for a vengeful attack to be made.

“Each day means a new twenty-four hours. Each day means everything’s possible again. You live in the moment, you die in the moment, you take it all one day at a time.” Marie Lu, Legend